Singing Guide: Paul Johnson

Singing Guide: Paul Johnson

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?


One of the best ways to learn how to sing like Paul Johnson is to study some of his most popular songs. Some of his most popular tracks include "Get Get Down", "After The Storm", and "She Got Me On". By listening and singing along to these tracks, you can start to pick up some of the nuances of his style.

Vocal Range

Paul Johnson's vocal range is fairly wide, often spanning several octaves. If you're not sure what your own range is, you can take the vocal range test on the Singing Carrots website to help you determine your range.

Breathing and Support

Good breathing technique is essential for achieving the powerful, energetic sound that Paul Johnson is known for. Singing Carrots has a guide on breath support that can help you learn how to breathe deeply and support your voice properly. Practicing breathing exercises like the Farinelli breathing exercise can also help you improve your breath control.


Paul Johnson frequently incorporates vibrato into his singing. Singing Carrots has a guide on vibrato that can help you learn how to produce this effect. The video Beggars Bounce is an excellent example of a vibrato exercise you can use in your practice.

Vocal Registers and Voice Break

Paul Johnson frequently utilizes both his chest voice and falsetto voice in his singing. Singing Carrots has lesson on voice registers and the vocal break that can help you understand these concepts and use them in your own singing.


By focusing on aspects like vocal range, breathing, vibrato, and vocal registers, you can start to incorporate some of the techniques that Paul Johnson uses into your own singing. Remember to practice regularly and use resources like the Singing Carrots pitch training to help you improve your singing skills. With dedication and practice, you can develop a singing style similar to that of Paul Johnson.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.